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Friday, March 1, 2024

V.I.P. 1998-2002 SEASON 1 (SONY)

This is a show you'll either love or hate I believe. I like it yet I never watched it in it's initial run.

Pamela Anderson is Vallery Irons, Molly Culver is Tasha Dexter, Natalie Raitano is Nikki Franco, Shaun Baker is Quick Williams and Leah Lail is Kay Simmons.

Here is a rundown of the episodes in season 1.

BEATS WORKING AT A HOT DOG STAND 9/26/98...Vallery Irons is working at a hot dog stand when she saves the life of a celebrity and is hired by a failing detective agency to bring them business they need.

WHAT TO DO WITH VALLERY WHEN YOU'RE DEAD 10/3/98...VIP tries to get a media giant named Balek as a client, but end up protecting a man from same said Balek.

BLOODY VAL-ENTINE 10/10/98...VIP protects a paparazzo froma crazed killer.

ONE WEDDING AND VAL'S FUNERAL 10/17/98...Val is a bodyguard and matchmaker for a European prince, while the rest of VIP seems to have their own agenda.

SCENTS AND SENSIBILITY 10/24/98...Bioglam hires VIP to protecta perfume secret that may take the world by storm, but it does have a few drawbacks.

DIAMONDS ARE A VAL'S BEST FRIEND 10/31/98...A man hires Val to be his armed escort after he buys the worlds most expensive diamond. Thats when the trouble really begins.

DECONSTRUCTING PERI 11/7/98...A movie director hires VIP to protect his primadonna star Peri Woodman who is the target of sabotage and attempted murder.

VAL GOT GAME 11/14/98...VIP is hired to protect a very niave basketball player who is way too trusting of people.

VALLERY OF THE DOLLS 11/21/98...VIP tries to protect centerfold girls from an Asian mob who always seems to get the upper hand.

MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF RONNIE BEEMAN 1/16/99...A sleazy talk show host, Ronnie Beeman hires VIP to be his guards while on live idea Tasha cannot stand. It gets out of hand with a bomb threat.

GOOD VAL HUNTING 1/23/99...A multibillionaire hires VIP for protection, then turns around and offer one million dollars to anyone who can kill him in 48 hours or less.

ESCAPE FROM VAL-CATRAZ 1/30/99...A convicted bank robbers wife hires VIP to proyect her daughter at her upcoming wedding.

THE LAST TEMPTATION OF VAL 2/6/99...VIP helps a disgraced Chinese actor fight against the Tong.

VAL UNDER SIEGE WITH A VENGEANCE 2/13/99...A terrorist gang impersonatesa band and holds the people at the party hostage along with VIP.

VAL ON THE RUN 2/20/99...Val is protecting a Hollywood mogel who is then shot and killed in her charge by the man's Swedish maid.

THUNDER VAL 2/27/99...VIP accepts a job with a woman and have to do a bikini photoshoot on a boat where nightly attacks indicate there must be a mole in the group.

THE QUIET BRAWLER 3/6/99...An action movie star opens a gym in a gang infested neighborhood and attempts to clean it up with the help of VIP.

K VAL 3/12/99...A radio talk show host need protection for her and her family after a psycho threatens to kill her.

MUDSLIDE VAL 5/1/99...A plastic surgeon asks VIP for help and minutes later he is killed. There are suspects everywhere.

RAGING VAL 5/8/99...The VIP team tries to help Quicks last boxing opponent, but is met with unexpected hostility.

THREE DAYS TO A KILL 5/15/99...VIP protects a man whom they find is not all he seems to be.

VAL THE HARD WAY 5/22/99...VIP is hired by the LAPD to impersonate the 4DD to infiltrate a Las Vegas crime spree.

This was probably the most watched season of the entire show, which did run for 4 years. More to come as I get them watched.

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