A few weeks ago I dropped into a store in Boise, Idaho I hadn't had a chance to get to in NINE, count em NINE years!! I found a ton of stuff including this film and some others that will be reviewed in the next few days. It was an eclectic purchase as it included Ed Wood films along with westerns, 50's sci-fi and much more. The coming reviews over the next few days will be most of that package.
The print from Image and the Wade Williams Collection is the best you can get on this movie. Bela Lugosi stars as Dr. Vornoff, a mad scientist living in an old house referred to as The Willows Place.
Vornoff has a huge servant named Lobo (Tor Johnson) who captures people the doctor likes to use in his experiments in which he is trying to create a super race.
This movie has been written about endlessly and you all know the plot and behind the scenes stories. It has also been an easy target for critics. No, it is no masterpiece. However, it is far MORE entertaining than anything made today. It is Lugosi's last performance and he handles it as well as expected under the direction of Ed Wood.
The rest of the cast includes Harvey B. Dunn, Tony McCoy, Loretta King, Delores Fuller, Paul Marco and George Becwar. Yes, I like the movie, so sue me.

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