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Sunday, February 10, 2019


Another person who shaped my childhood has passed.

Sally Fraser, the beautiful blonde whom I saw and fell in love with in numerous TV shows and movies has died in Harrison, Idaho at the age of 86.

I was first introduced to her via a Roger Corman sci-fi film called "It Conquered The World". I then started seeing her in a lot of films during my formative years, and as I got older I really appreciated her perky personality and her beauty.

Sally appeared on such TV shows as "Adventures Of Champion", "Annie Oakley", "The Texan" and "Men Into Space". But it was the movies she starred in that captivated me. Besides the above mentioned Corman film she also starred in "War Of The Colossal Beast", "Earth Vs. The Spider","Giant From The Unknown", "Dangerous Charter", "North By Northwest" and "Elmer Gantry".

She never attained huge stardom and retired from films and TV in 1971. She lived quietly not far from me in Harrison, Idaho where she died on January 13th. A truly beautiful woman whose appearance in ANY film was always appreciated by me.

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