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Saturday, February 23, 2019


This was a pilot film for a TV series but was changed into a feature film instead.

The producer simply shot more footage and made the TV show 63 minutes which was a feature length film back in 1953, at least for low budget films anyway.

Donna Martell stars as Colonel Briteis, the leader of a group of people who are attempting to set up permanent bases on the moon.

One of the group turns out to be a saboteur whose mission is to blow up a strategic space station. The saboteur is caught but not before causing some damage and stranding both Briteis and Major Moore (Ross Ford) on the moon.

The United States sets up a rescue plan to save the two. As you can see, the plot is fairly simple but there is some fun to be had with this obscure outing. One of the co-writers was Robert Heinlein which was a surprise to see.

The rest of the cast includes Hayden Rourke, Larry Johns, Herb Jacobs and Barbara Morrison. You may or may not like this, but it's worth a look anyway.

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