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Thursday, February 14, 2019


As the tag line says "A terrifying tale of sluts and bolts".

Frank Henenlotter directed this film, so you know you're in for one hell of a wild ride.

This 1990 horror tale starts out with the death of a young women who is killed when a remote controlled mower runs her over and makes her into a human tossed salad.

Her boyfriend Jeffrey (James Lorinz) keeps some of her body parts out of his obsessive love for Elizabeth (Patty Mullin) and vows to make her whole again.

Jeffrey is a klutz who means well, but he just doesn't know how to go about getting his girlfriend back together again until he happens upon something called "super crack" that when smoked it blows people to pieces.

He has a party with a few prostitutes and they smoke the deadly drug and before you know it Jeffrey has all the body parts he will ever need. He goes about putting the pieces together and during a fierce thunderstorm brings Elizabeth back to life. She is hilarious to look at with her long black hair, dead white face and some very nasty scars all along her body.

She escapes and goes thru the night asking people such questions as "Wanna Date?" and making uncontrollable facial gestures and generally acting like a demented cracked up whore.

The ending is very humorous and something I won't give away here, but it did kind of leave the door open for a second film which never happened. Director Henenlotter knows his stuff and has a very keen and twisted mind. If you've seen his other works such as "Basket Case" you know what I mean. The rest of the cast includes Shirley Stoler, Zacherly and Louise Lasser.

The Blu-ray contains some very good extras such as an interview with Mullin, make up artist Gabe Bartalos and actress Jennifer Delora. These are all very welcome additions to the disc with Delora coming off as the kind of person I could really like.

This has been on the market for some time now and I am sorry I had to wait so long to see this one again. It's a gem of a horror comedy that has something for everyone. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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