This is the first print I have seen that includes the original AIP logo that so many of us loved as kids watching monster movies on TV.
In the year 1980 a mysterious asteroid has caused the destruction of a few spaceships and the military wants to know why. They send Capt. Frank Chapman (Dean Fredericks) and Lt. Ray Makonnen (Richard Weber) to investigate.
During the flight they run into a meteor shower and have some minor damage they must repair. Makonnen is struck by a fragment and sent drifting into space. He recites the Lord's prayer as he knows his doom is sealed. That is a pretty unforgettable scene in itself.
Chapman and the craft are drawn to the asteroid. He regains consciousness and suddenly sees little people around him. He passes out again and his face shield comes open. As the alien air gets into his suit he begins shrinking to 6 inches in height, after which the tiny inhabitants bring him out.
Chapman lives his days as a resident of the self contained planet called "Rheton" but pines to get back home. He is wooed by a beautiful woman named Liara (Coleen Gray) but Chapman finds a beautiful mute girl named Zetha (Dolores Faith in her film debut).
Soon the asteroid/planet is attacked by a race of monsters called Solarites which are bizarre looking creatures and pretty cool. Richard Keil plays the monster who gets loose on the planet.
Will Chapman make it back to Earth? You can probably guess the answer to that. The print from Image is the best I have ever seen this film look and it's included in a set of films entitled "Weird Worlds" and is part of the Wade Williams collection. This movie is available on many other sets, but this is the best one.
The rest of the cast includes Anthony Dexter, Francis X. Bushman and Al Jarvis.

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