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Saturday, October 3, 2020


No too bad of an action film.

This is a film that sometimes seems to have fallen into the cracks of much bigger films. Carl Weathers stars as a Detroit cop who always seems to be getting into trouble. At the beginning of the film we find he has been demoted for previous actions.

Jackson soon finds himself mixed up with an old enemy named Peter Dellaplane (Crain T. Nelson) who is a super rich auto executive trying to take over a small union by any means nesessary.

Jackson is anxious to pin a couple of murder raps on Dellaplane, but has no proof. Dellapane's wife Patrice (Sharon Stone) decides to help Jackson after she uncovers some evidence, but her husband kills her for her efforts.

Jackson is framed for the murder and so he decides to see if he can get help from Dellaplanes gorgeous mistress Sydney Ash (Vanity). The two of them find themselves caught in a huge web of murder and blackmail as the rest of the movie unfolds.

This film moves along very quickly and it never gets boring. Weathers is perfect for the role of Jackson and Vanity is, well, sexy as hell. Her role as the mistress is very believable and she plays off of Weathers very well.

The rest of the cast includes Nicholas Worth, Robert Davi and Ed O' Ross. Some say this is a black action film but I don't really think it fits into the "blaxploitation" genre, but it is a good film, and one action fans should check out.

Vanity passed away in 2016 at the young age of 57 from Kidney failure.

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