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Saturday, October 31, 2020


I really don't know what to make of this film.

This movie deals with a small town in Alabama being over run with flesh eating zombies.I did get a laugh or two out of it, but that's about it.

It seems that a UFO visited a small town and somehow the dead have come back to life. The residents deal with it the best they can, but it never picks up a lot of steam.

The acting is ok, but no great shakes, and the zombie make-up is ok. There is some gore, but it's never very much which I think is a good thing because low budget films like this never get it right anyway.

Local news reports about the zombie plague makes several of the locals angry because they just want to watch a college football game on TV!! I admit you must go into this film with a sense of humor, or you won't get it, so to speak.

It's a pretty straight forward plot and it's obviously made by people who love movies, especially "Night Of The Living Dead" as you can gather when watching he beginning of the movie that takes place in a DVD rental store.

All I can say is that if you want to give this film a try, I recommend it. You might enjoy the redneck humor and have a good time. If you're looking for a serious zombie film with pros at the job look elsewhere.

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