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Sunday, October 18, 2020


Jesus God why me???

This is one of the WORST things I have ever tried to sit thru. And to be honest, I couldn't even finish the film. I'll explain that in a bit.

Chris Sharp stars as Chris Hawley, a man with no life so to speak, who happens upon an invitation to what is called a "Murder Party". He decides to attend and makes a Halloween costume out of cardboard so he looks like a medieval Knight.

After he arrives at the location he discovers a collective group of people who are intent on killing him and filming it, just for their amusement. They keep him tied to a chair and have stupid conversations about nothing.

The cast is made up of a bunch of people I would never want to meet in person anyway and at about the halfway point I had to tune out for two reasons...Reason 1..they thought using a "steadycam" was a good idea, but all it did was make myself and Ginger dizzy from it's constant use....Reason 2...BORING AS HELL.

This is a case study in why I dislike most modern horror. You can't care about any of the characters involved, nobody explains anything in the plot and you just sit like a mindless zombie and watch stupid people do stupid things. Hell I can do that watching Joe Biden!!

If you're gonna make a horror film, for God's sake make a horror film, not some jumbled piece of shit that the viewer can't even have fun with. The film only runs 79 minutes and it is one of only three films I have never been able to finish.

If you have some time in your life you want to waste and never get back this is the film for you. Oh yes, if you want to get ill from steadycam use this will do the trick. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

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