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Thursday, October 22, 2020


This is a bizarre little thriller I hadn't seen in years.

Adrienne Barrett stars as a young woman who may or may not be insane. The film opens with her in bed and awakening after a nightmare in which she is consumed by a huge wave on a beach.

She then goes out and gets involved with all kinds of assorted low lifes. The narrator tells us she is insane and then takes her to a cemetary to see what kind of parents she had and why she is insane. This isn't the end of the movie, but just the beginning!!

I know this makes little sense when you read it, but the film is an experimental film with no dialogue and plenty of bizarre images. Bruno Ve Sota has a role as a very wealthy man who is killed by the woman and then has his hand cut off while she is trying to retrieve a necklace he clutched when she threw him out of a window!!

I cannot recommend this enough as it is a very interesting look inside a warped and twisted mind. It's very hard to describe, and it is a film one must see to appreciate. Some scenes defy description, and others will have your jaw hitting the floor. I could go on and on about this, but I won't.

An odd one to say the least. Get it, watch it and see for yourself.

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