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Sunday, October 25, 2020


This is one bizarre film.

The story was written by Ed Wood and it really shows. Director Adrian Weiss does what he can with the material, but it isn't much. However there are a few likable things conncted with the film.

Lance Fuller is Dan a man whose new bride Laura (Charlotte Austin) is fully in love with him until they get to his home. There she is introduced to Dan's pet gorilla named Spanky.

He tells her that Spanky is a killer, but when Laura meets him the gorilla Spanky calms down and Dan cannot understand it. That night Spanky breaks out of his cage, goes to the bedroom and rips Laura's nightgown off so Dan shoots and kills him.

Under hypnosis it's revealed that Laura was once a Queen Of The Gorillas!! Dan and Laura go on an African hunting trip for their honeymoon and it causes more trouble than Dan imagined. After much nonsense Laura is taken by the gorillas and never seen again.

This is quite a film to sit thru, but I must say Austin looks as gorgeous as ever and does well with the material she has to work with. She makes the entire film worth while.

I really can't recommend this film, but I can't say I didn't like it, but then again it's all because of Charlotte Austin.

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