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Friday, October 30, 2020


A bizarre film indeed, but not without some entertainment value.

A failed comic named Gus (David Kemker) has a brief affair with a fridn of his wife and his wife decides to leave him. He follows her to an old farm house she grew up in.

Gus ans hid wife Deborah (Shauna Black) decide to try and work things out, but it will take time. Gus agrees to fix the old house up while Deborah looks for work in a small, nearby town.

She gets a job with an old flame that owns his own insurance business and Gus starts making the house look better, but that is when the trouble starts. As he is digging out the septic tank he digs up a dead man who siddenly comes to life.

The zomie is named Quinto and Gus starts using him as a workr to get jobs done!! However, as is like is all zombie movies, Quinto has a need to bite people. His needs start to interfere with Gus and Deborah patchingup their relationship.

The dark comedy and biting (no oun intended) commentary in the film sometimes works, and sometimes it doesn't. It is kind of hard to describe this film, but I can at least say the film makers tried something very different and it does work on certain levels.

The performances are fine, and it did get a laugh or two out of me. I had never heard of this film and I can recommend this as a good time waster. David Sparrow is fine as Quinto, and even though he isn't a typical zombie as in other films, I wasn't disappointed.

If you're so inclined, check it out.

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