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Thursday, January 9, 2014


Ahhh the ever sexy Candice Railson .

The plot to this very interesting sex farce is simple. A young woman, played by Candice Railson, who works in a beauty parlor finds that her vagina can talk and this leads to many problems, especially in her sex life.

She is suddenly managed by her doctor who decides she needs to go into show business. She does and it a huge hit, but her life is still a wreck because the Chatterbox doesn't know when to shut up.

Railson always looks hotter than hell and this movie is no exception. It is for her presence alone that the film is tolerable and very watchable. It's short, to the point and never gets boring. If you're looking for a way to kill 77 minutes you could do a lot worse.

Railson has always been one of my favorite actresses and it is a shame she died so young. At the end of the 70's she got out of the acting business and then sadly passed away at the age of 54 from liver disease. I will watch anything with Candy in it and I think you should to.

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