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Monday, January 20, 2014


Patchwork filmmaking.

Linda Blair and Leon Askin star in the wrap around footage for two Italian WIP movies, an the results are somewhat confusing.

Blair is seeking revenge on Askin for his running a slave operation where women are used as slave labor to get emeralds for the black market. Blaire narrates some of the scenes from other films in flashback. I like the original "Escape From Hell" movie that is used as stock footage, but none of this makes too much sense.

I don't really know why this film was made, but I found Linda to be very watchable of course and as I mentioned, I like "Escape From Hell", but it just didn't add up as characters came and went way to fast and sometimes they appeared out of sequence.

It's only good for passable entertainment if you are hard up, but there are plenty more WIP films worth seeing.

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