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Sunday, December 11, 2016


Now, this is how to make a horror film!!

Of the hundreds of films I own from Sinister Cinema, this is one of the best I have ever seen.

Barbara Nelli stars as Lady Susan a woman in love with a young man named Pierre Brissac (Michel Forain). Due to his being a poor man he is not considered in the same class as herself and therefore their upcoming marriage is frowned upon.

Hs is pushed overboard on a ship he takes heading back to Paris and is presumed dead. Meanwhile Harald Morgan, played by the wonderful Paul Muller, marries her and after the marriage she leaves for a time before returning to the castle.

She is miserable being married to Harald as he has been having an affair with a woman named Lillian, played by the gorgeous Erica Blanc. They plot to kill Susan so Harald can inherit her money.

The story switches back to Pierre, who didn't die, but has been rescued and has amnesia. After a long time he recovers and is off the Italy to find the love of his life. However, things have changed a lot. He meets up again with Susan after find the castle in disrepair. In her room she makes love to him and all seems well.

She then tells him of what has happened. They did indeed kill her, but she slowly but surely got her revenge on all of them and they are all dead. Now they walk the castle every night seeking human blood to prolong themselves.

Needless to say, this goes into "Castle Of Blood" territory and is very, very effective. The ending is rather bittersweet. Again, another horror film that has been neglected for so many years.

It's in beautiful black and white with subtitles. The rest of the small cast includes Gordon Mitchell. The film was directed by Massimo Pupillo who also directed "Blood Pit Of Horror". One of the best of the year.

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