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Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Strictly personal stuff here that I figured some of you might relate to.

I mentioned several days ago that I was getting married on Oct. 31, 2020 and the woman I am going to spend the rest of my life with has been thru some wild movie stuff since we got together.

It's always interesting to see people's reactions to the kind of movies I like, but Ginger has been more accepting than anyone else I know. I have shown her such films as "The Puppet Masters", "The One And Only", "Heaven's Gate" and the great Humphrey Bogart film "Deadline USA" as well as the mandatory "Night Of The Living Dead".

However she has also gotten to see the films I made including "Tales Of The Damned", "Macabre Tales" and "Experiment Of Death".

She also expressed enthusiasm for seeing my films made on Super 8 and for some that can be quite a task. But Ginger took it in stride and really enjoyed seeing some of the weird stuff that has gone thru my mind. We viewed all 3 of my "The Intruders" trilogy, "Blood", "The Unknown World" and "Battleground".

She has yet to see "The Thing In The Garage" but heaven knows that is coming soon. I am also going to let her see "Seven Sins Of Daniel Tucker" which I starred in but didn't do anything else.

After seeing all of these off the wall films she admitted I had a very good imagination, and that is the true test of love. If you watch my movies and actually like them then that is the groundwork for a great lifelong relationship.

All kidding and self deprecation aside, it was most enjoyable to show her these efforts I did so many, many years ago. Kinda makes it all worth while.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know you found your soul mate, may your saddest tomorrows be ten times happier than your best yesterdays.

    God bless you both!
