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Monday, January 1, 2024


Another fun Matt Helm film starring Dean Martin.

A master criminal named Julian Wall (Karl Malden) has kidnapped the inventor of a laser weapon and Matt Helm is called in to rescue him.

Helm has to deal with a lot of strange people in this film and the strangest is someone called "Ironhead" who happens to be Wall's right hand man. Ironhead is wonderfully played by Tom Reese. He sports and Iron plate on top of his head and there are several scenes that the makers of "Spy Who Loved Me" ripped off for their movie.

The inventor is played by Richard Eastham and his character of Dr. Norman Solaris has a beautiful daughter named Suzie (Ann-Margaret) that Wall also kidnaps.

Helm has quite a time trying to rescue everyone, and eventually comes out on top. Martin has a lot of great scenes with Ann-Margret..lucky guy indeed.

The movie moves along well and it holds your attention. There are not a lot of women in this film, but what is here is damn sexy indeed. I got a chance to catch three of these on TUBI before they took them off.

I would recommend this to anyone looking for light entertainment.

The rest of the cast includes James Gregory, Camilla Sparv, Beverly Adams, Corinne Cole, Marcel Hillaire, Desi Arnez, Jr., and Ted Hartley.

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