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Saturday, January 6, 2024


Not too bad of a film, if you know what to expect.

The movie starts with a young woman killing herself over not being accepted by a sorority. One year later three other young women try to join the sorority and are told they have to tell a scary story as part of the initiation.

The first tale involves a doll that will bring to mind the Twilight Zone episodes of years gone by. It is somewhat effective and it handled well by everyone involved.

The second tale involves an actress who gets a part in a film, or so she thinks. She actually gets involved with a weird band of living dead people. Again this tale is handled well, and it isn't too bad.

The final tale involves three young girls who make a prank phone call and hear a murder on the line, and then the killer tracks them down and starts to kill them off one by one.

The stories aren't original, but for me they were fine. The cast is made up of former Playboy Bunnies and there isn't anything wrong with that either, except a lot of the acting isn't too great.

I found this to be a good time waster and believe me I have seen MUCH worse.

The cast includes Holly Madison, Christina Rosenberg, Najarra Townsend, Sara Jean Underwood, Nicole Zeoli and Stephanie Sanborn.

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