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Saturday, January 27, 2024

PYRO 1964 (TUBI)

Strange little film that is mostly forgotten today.

Barry Sullivan stars as Vance Pierson, a businessman who is frustrated with his marriage.

He starts an affair with a sexy woman named Laura Blanco (Martha Hyer). The two keep the affair going for a while, but soon Vance wants to end it and go back to his wife and daughter.

Laura is furious about this and sets fire to his home where his wife and child and killed and Vance is burned beyond all recognition, but has somehow survived. He states that he is only living to get revenge on Laura.

Some time passes and soon Vance is working for a carnival, but still waiting for his chamce to get revenge on Laura. He wears a disguise so he looks human.

This is a well made film, and it was the first horror film to be actually shot in Spain. One of the writers of the film was Sidney Pink, the man who brought us "Reptilicus" and "Journey To The 7th Planet".

Sullivan does very well in the lead role and Hyer always looks great. The rest of the cast includes Sherry Moreland, Luis Prendes, Soledad Miranda, and Fernando Hilbeck.

I would really recommend giving this film a look. It's unique and well done.

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