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Friday, January 19, 2024


Sergio Martino directed this well crafted horror film.

This movie really delivers the goods as far as bloody killings and lurid thrills. There has been a series of murders at a college in Rome, so several women take a retreatto an isolated house in the hills.

They do not know however that the killer has followed them to the home, and he begins stalking them and peeking in their windows while making plans to kill them.

It will be obvious to any film fan that this was a very influential movie when it came to the US slasher genre of the late 70's and thru the 80's. So I guess we can blame Sergis Martino for all the dreck we had to put up with here.

Anyway, there are some great set pieces here, the best one being where a beautiful woman named Jane (Suzy Kendall) is trapped in the house with the killer who doesn't know she is there. The shocking part to this is that she watches him dismember her dead friends.

This takes up most of the final 30 minutes of the movie and the killer, when revealed might be a shock to you, but then again it might not.

The rest of the attractive cast includes Tina Aumont, Angela Covello, Carla Brait, John Richardson, Luc Merenda and Conchita Airoldi. I love Suzy Kendall in anything and this is one of her best films.

Get it on Blu-ray or watch it on streaming. It's a treat.

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