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Thursday, January 18, 2024


This is a crazy and wild Italian horror film made in Virginia.

In Virginia Beach a masked killer has been running around killing women after raping them and the police seem powerless to stop him.

A woman named Melanie Beck (Tara Buckman) is also attacked by the madman, but she lives thru it simply because the killer wanted to torture her and not kill her as fast as the others.

After she manages to escape his clutches she developes a mental block that will not allow heer to remember the incident or the attacker. When she is released from the hospital she is kidnapped by a man who keeps her tied up in a motel room.

After a bit of sexual sadism she escapes his clutches as well, but all is not what it seems in this film. As I said this is a wild ride with a plot that just blows your mind and an ending that makes you do a double take.

If you really let this sink into your brain you will really question the motives of the second man who kidnaps Melanie. Tara Buchman does a great job playing the victimized woman. The original director didn't want too much gore in the movie, but scenes wewre shot and put in the film at the producers request.

If you like Italian Giallo, you really should check this one out. It's a doosey and one not to be missed.

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