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Monday, June 30, 2014


Fun 50's sci-fi.

A huge tarantula is discovered living in a cave outside a small town. It is sprayed with DDT and thought to be dead. It is put on display at a high school until it can be transported out to a research facility.

Some loud 50's rock n' roll wakes the monster up and it goes on a rampage thru the town and heads back to it's cave. This is the very simple plot formula for this fun little movie.

Now, throw in a teenager looking for her missing father and a lost present that he had when he was attacked by the huge spider an you have a typical 50's horror film. Rock music, teens and a giant arachnid.

The cast includes Ed Kemmer, June Kenney, Gene Roth and Hal Torey. Bert I. Gordon directed. Recommended!!

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