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Saturday, June 14, 2014


Re-visiting one of my faves.

A group of men are treasure hunting in caves in an isolated part of Greece. The explode several caves and unbeknownst to them, one of the explosions release an invisible, shrieking dinosaur that stalks them and kills them one by one.

Yes, the invisible dinosaur is a way to save money on the budget, but it works very well. James Philbrook is the leader of the expedition and it is interesting to note that this is the film debut of 29 year old Ingrid Pitt and 22 year old Soledad Miranda.

Both add a lot to the film, but the monster is, of course the main attraction. The shrieking noise it makes is very bizarre and makes for a goo time watching this late at night.

The killings by the beast are well done for a film like this an the ending is pretty good as well. Not a bad film at all and one I would recommend to any horror fan.

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