A group of four young people find themselves stranded at an old gas station run by a man named Slausen, played by Chuck Conners.
It seems that Slausen used to run an old gas station that people used to visit until a new highway was put in. The young people soon find out that the mannequins that Slausen keeps around are dangerous and seemingly alive.
To top everything off a madman is running around and killing people by putting plaster on their faces among other things. We soon discover that, of course, it is Slausen who also has telekinetic powers and controls the mannequins.
Tanya Roberts is one of the young people an she is a highlight dressed in short shorts and a tube top. She is killed along with almost everyone else. Jocelyn Jones is Molly, whom Slausen wants to keep as a bride. In the end she is not killed, but driven insane in a bizarre finale to a bizarre movie.
Tanya Roberts is a highlight in her short shorts and tube top...oops, did I already mention that? A Strange movie that is both creepy and scary that I would recommend to any horror fan.

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