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Saturday, June 21, 2014


One of the greatest alien invasion films ever made.

A shape-shifting alien invades a small Antarctic outpost an the horror begins in this John Carpenter remake of the 1951 film which sticks really close to the novella by John W. Campbell.

Kurt Russell is MacReady, a no nonsense leader who tries to fight the monster. You never really know the true shape of the Thing, but you see many incarnations of it thru the people and animals it takes over and duplicates, and the special effects work by Rob Bottin will never be duplicated.

All of the characters are totally believable and the movie really brings the viewer into what is happening.

When this was released it flopped at the box office and I believe this was due to the fact that another rather inferior movie called "E.T" came out at about the same time and ruined the public's image of nasty aliens. That is sad as this is the far superior film. Over the years fans of horror and sci-fi have made this into a bona fide classic and that is the status it rightly deserves.

The rest of the stellar cast includes Wilford Brimley, T. K. Carter, Keith David, Richard Dysart, Richard Masur and Donald Moffat.

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