Williams is Temple Houston, a district attorney who stumbles upon an old Indian friend named Chief Buffalo Horn (Ted de Corsia) who is being hunted by three men.
He discovers that the three have a warrant for the arrest of the Chief for the murder of an Indian agent. The Chief is taken into custody. Ater a speedy trial that Temple seems to think was too perfect, he sets out to discover some facts of his own.
Gloria Talbott is Ruth Red Hawk, the daughter of Buffalo Horn who also happens to be the future bride of Houston. Her father's arrest and trial causes some tension between the two of them as well as the entire town.
Houston soon discovers that Buffalo Horn has been set up by a man named Bigelowe (Grant Richards) in order so that he may profit from an all out Indian war.
This is a pretty good film that I found myself enjoying quite a bit. Cahn handled the directing chores very well from a story by Orville H. Hampton who worked frequently with Cahn over the years.
If you like westerns I think you might like this fast moving shoot-em-up. The rest of the cast includes X Brands, Walter Sande and Grandon Rhodes.

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