A man in a coonskin hat is running around the desert of California and he shoots down a small passenger plane.
A young man and three beautiful women survive the crash. They walk around the desert trying to find help and the Bushwhacker slowly but surely stalks them.
The Bushwhacker kidnaps a couple of women one by one and tortures and kills them. Believe me folks, these scenes are tame and very poorly done, but you can't help but watch. It's like a car wreck you have to see.
The film runs about 86 minutes, but could have easily been cut down to 70 and it might have picked up the pace a bit. The women are all lovely and a movie like this should have made the most out of that, but it failed.
I'm glad to see the Something Weird vaults being opened up and these kinds of films being released on Blu-ray. I have to admit, that even though this movie is not too good, I did enjoy it as a curio.
If you want to see something odd then I recommend this little ditty. Have at it.

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