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Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Another Jay Dee Kay production. What a title!!

A young woman escapes an attempted kidnapping by a prostitution ring and this leads to a police investigation.

A man named Jim Murray (Wheeler Oakman) gets girls for his prostitution ring from a local beauty salon with the help of a woman who owns the salon.

A young woman working at the salon, Dona Lee (Lona Andre) becomes more and more wise to the strange goings on and soon begins looking into what is happening and she gets in the way of Murray, which leads to many complications.

This film features many things that were forbidden at the time due to the Hayes Code. Some of this involves women in their underwear and spankings.It's rather tame of course, but back in 1937 it was pretty risque.

This isn't too bad of a film as far as these kinds of films go. The print was in pretty good shape and I had a good time watching it. Go on, don't be scared, check it out.

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