Cahn and writer Orville H. Hampton bring their talents together again for another fast moving and entertaining story.
The shooting and killing of two delinquents in a home for boys causes an uproar with the public. A psychologist named Paul Furman (Jerome Thor) tries to control the problems in a peaceful way.
He turns the home into a co-ed prison where male and female delinquents can interact. He also sets up various reform programs so the youth can have a chance for a good life when they leave.
The plan seems to work, but everything is put into danger when a young and dangerous boy named Eddie Basset (Scott Marlowe) assaults various people and refuses to obey the rules.
I had always wanted to see this film because I love the work of Edward L. Cahn and I finally got the chance a few days ago. The DVD from MGM is great looking and viewers who like the JD films should be pleased.
The rest of the cast includes John Hoyt, Marcia Henderson, beautiful Dorothy Provine, Jack Grinnage and Ann Doran. RECOMMENDED!!

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