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Saturday, April 3, 2021


Not too bad of a film.

Mel Ferrer stars as the head of a tourist resort that also happens to be ruled by a legendary giant alligator god worshipped by the local natives.

Barbara Back looks sexy as ever as Alice Brandt who is the second in command to Ferrer. The natives are not too keen on the tourists being there and they summon the god to kill them all.

After a few people are killed Ferrer's characted of Joshua begins to believe that the legend is real. Before you know it the great alligator attacks a boat full of tourists and all hell breaks loose.

The natives join in the slaughter as they kill some of the people with speasrs and such and then they kidnap Alice as a sacrifice to the monster! This is a wild ending to the film and it comes across as a sincere effort from director Sergio Martino.

If one is in the right frame of mind, this can be a fun little film. A lot of people don't like this film, but I say give it a try and how could you go wrong with the sexy Bach in a movie?

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