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Monday, April 19, 2021


WOW what a movie!!

This film opens with a woman who has been missing for 20 years returning to her home with no idea where she has been, but she hasn't aged at all.

A portrait of her has been discovered in a museum at the same time and it turns out the painter of the picture is a dapper man who also happens to be a cursed vampire.

There are a lot of interesting things in this story including the fact that moonlight causes the man to changed into a long toothed vampire that is compelled to drink blood and the scenes where he is attacking young women are very well done.

In a flashback we learn how he was cursed with immortality and why he is like he is. He can walk around in daylight and wears sunglasses.

This was Japans first horror film to take place in modern times and it really hits home. The story is very dark and forboding and it comes across well. The cast is first rate and make everything believable.

The print is beautiful black and white and widescreen, and yes, it does have subtitles. I can't recommend this enough for horror fans!! It's rare and unique.

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