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Thursday, June 30, 2022
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Linda Gillen stars as Regina, a college student with very few friends and no life. One day after school she collects her mail and gets a suprise.
She has been invited for a getaway vacation to a place called Red Wolf Inn. She is very excited and leaves for the place via chartered air flight. When she arrives she discovers two other young women there as well.
Their hosts are an elderly couple, Evelyn and Henry Smith (Mary Jackson and Arthur Space). The Smiths have a grandosn who also lives with them named Baby John Smith (John Neilsen).
The three women, Regina, Pamela (Janet Wood) and Edwina (Margaret Avery) enjoy the quiet and they find that Evelyn is an excellent cook. The food she makes is almost too good.
This movie proves that you should never trust anyone. One by one the women disappear until only Regina is left and then she discovers the shocking truth. The climax is well done and is a lot of crazy fun. The end credits are presented like a menu and the final seen proves that the filmmakers had their tongue firmly planted in their cheek.
Bud Townsend handles the directing chores just fine and the cast is very good as well. I have seen Arthur Space in movies from 1941 up to his last role in 1981. A great character actor.
I liked this movie a lot and I really have to mention John Neilsen is perfect as the lightly demented Baby John.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
This film was made in 1980 under the title Cataclysm but by any name it's a jaw dropper.
A police detective named Sterne (Cameron Mitchell) looks into the death of a Nazi concentration camp survivor named Abraham Weiss (Marc lawrence) who is murdered in a very brutal way after claiming to have spotted a man who is a Nazi in Las Vegas.
Nobody believes Weiss because the man he spots is no more than 30 years old!! After the murder, Sterne looks into the case more and starts to believe the dead mans claim.
As a sub-plot we have a writer, James Hanson (Richard Moll) who has written a book entitled "God Is Dead" and his wife Claire (Faith Clift) who does not see things her husbands way.
Things get really confusing and soon both James Hanson and Sterne are killed, leaving only Claire to uncoveer the evil, and what an evil it is. Claire discovers the truth as well and sets up an elaborate trap for the eternally young Nazi devil.
The ending is a blood drenched operating room final that does not end well for Claire. This film is very disjointed and very poorly shot. I have to admit, as does everyone who talks about this movie, that Faith Clift is one of the worst acctresses to EVER appear in a film of ANY kind.
However, I also have to admit that this film somehow keeps your attention and I believe that is due to it's incredible storyline. If you get a chance, check this one out and see if you agree with me.
Friday, June 24, 2022
A high class escort woman named Elisa (Carmen Sevilla) witnesses her neighbor dropping the corpse of his wife down an elevator shaft.
The man, Miguel (Vicente Parra) then forces her to become his accomplice and slowly a very strange relationship developes between them. However, Elisa is not happy.
This Spanish murder mystery is at once compelling and thought provoking. Watching these two try to keep their crime hidden is nothing short of excellent story telling.
The film takes a sudden and bizarre turn about 3/4 into the movie and we are treated to one of the best twists I have seen in a movie for a very long time. I won't spoilt it, but all is NOT what it seems.
The cast is excellent and so is the direction by Eloy de la Iglesia. Sevilla is beautiful to look at, and makes for a perfect victim we do feel sorry for as she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
If the Spanish nystery film is your cup of tea, check out the film for something a little different.
Thursday, June 23, 2022
In this fun little programmer from Monogram, Bomba (Johnny Sheffield) must help a young boy out of danger.
Paul Gordon (Donald Woods) and his wife Ruth (Majorie Lord) live in the jungle with their young son, David (Tommy Ivo). Paul returns home after all of the animals he has collected in the jungle have been let out of their cages and the natives have told him it was the work of a jugle boy named Bomba.
Paul refuses to believe this, but lets it go. Meanwhile a Dr. Charles Langly (Grandon Rhodes) comes to ask if Paul is interested in taking himself and his two guides, Fred Barton (John Ridgely) and Fred Higgins (Don Harvey) to a fabled treasure at the base of a volcano.
Paul refuses and so the two Freds decide to kidnap David since he knows where the mine is, thanks to his friendship with Bomba. They also kidnap Nona (Elena Verdugo) who is David's friend and his parents housekeeper.
Bomba accompanies Paul, Ruth and Dr. Langly in search of the kidnappers. The evil men manage to kill Langly and make it to the volcano and the treasure, but Bomba stops them cold and then it's a fight for survival as the volcano erupts.
This is a fast moving film that shouldn't disappoint any fan of this genre. I liked it, and the cast is very good as well. There are many more in the series and I hope I get a chance to see them soon.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Bomba (Johnny Sheffield) is contacted to help look for a couple of evil diamond smugglers.
Bomba is called on by Andy Barnes (Leonard Mudie) to help find three missing men, one is named Gatsby and the others are Greg (Arthur Space) and Hardy (Lane Bradford).
Bomba discovers the body of Gatsby and soon he hooks up with an incredibly sexy woman named Lita Sebastian (Laurette Luez) who is also searching for her missing father.
It turns out that Greg and Hardy are using her father and many natives as slaves in order to get millions of dollars worth of diamonds out of a mine. Bomba attempts to put a stop to this, which he does.
A great Saturday afternoon film, this film really moves, and the cast helps a lot. Also in the cast is Lyle Talbot as a baddie named Roy DeHaven. I believe I have said this ion other reviews, but Laurette Luez is a stunner who I watch in everything she does.
I like this film a lot and cannot recommend it enough. If you only see one Bomba film, make it this one.
Monday, June 20, 2022
Sunday, June 19, 2022
These are very easy to follow films that are always good for early morning viewing. In this outing, Bomba (Johnny Sheffield) is called on to help a couple built a scientific agricultural center.
Holding Judy Maitland (Allene Roberts) and her brother Robert (Harry Lewis) behind is a killer black panther that is on the loose in the jungle. The local wormen think that the panther spirit lives in the body of a young woman named Losana (Lita Baron) who just happens to be the Maitland's housekeeper.
After numerous attempts to kill the panther fail, Robert decides to set a controlled fire to flush the beast out even though Bomba has warned him of the dangers of such an action.
The fire almost gets out of control and spells disaster and this leads to Bomba fighting the panther and killing it.
As I said, these are pretty straight forward movies that really take me back to a simpler time in my life, and for me they are a good escape from all the crap going on in the real world.
Lita Baron is exotic looking as ever and I got into the movie very easily. For escapist entertainment this can't be beat.
RIP A.J.KHAN 1977-2021
Khan was born in India and was raised in Arizona.
Her film credit list is somewhat small, but for genre fans she appeared in such fare as "Screaming Dead", "Shock O Rama" and "Daughter Of Darkness".
Khan made a mot of adult films as well with many being in the bondage genre, but no matter what the movie she was simply gorgeous. She passed away on Christman Day in 2021 at the age of 44.
Saturday, June 18, 2022
The credits say the film is "inspired" by the H. Rider Haggard novel SHE, but I beg to differ. It's nothing but a very enjoyable rollercoaster ride into cinema weirdness.
The film opens with a look at a very bizarre post-apocalyptic world and two brothers Tom (David Goss) and Dick (Harrison Muller) along with their sister Hari (Elena Weiderman) coming to a small village and then the village is attacked by a group of very strange looking men led by Hector (Gordon Mitchell).
Hector and his men kidnap Hari and the brother follow. They run into a tribe that worships a woman known only as SHE. They have a lot of problems with her until she agrees to help them find their sister. Along with SHE (Sandahl Bergman) is her second in command, a beauty named Shanda (Quinn Kessler).
Along the way they run into a gaggle of extremely strange tribes including one that at first looks like a benevolent group of homosexual men and women, but at night they turn into vicious vampires!!
There are too many weird things to talk about but other things that stand out is a Frankenstein monster, a huge fat man wearing a Tutu, and most bizarre of all is Xenon (David Traylor) who guards the bridge leading to Hector's group.
Bergman looks sexy as ever in the lead role, and is very capable of the physical action required for the character. I admit this is a one of a kind film that can never be duplicated. It's just too odd.
The Blu-ray looks beautiful and I am glad I finally picked this up. It's a lot of fun and I am rather surprised this isn't a film with a huge cult following.
Check it out..Xenon says you have to. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!
Friday, June 17, 2022
By no means an original film, but it's a dandy. By the way, this film was called "Indecent" of the floor of the US Senate by Jesse, my God they don't have anything better to do.
Anyway, two beautiful slave girls, Tisa (Cindy Beal) and Daria (Elizabeth Kaitan) escape from a prison ship and crash land on a strange planet inhabited by a man named Zed (Don Scribner).
Zed has a couple of robots who do his bidding and a couple of guests. One is a woman named Shala (Brinke Stevens) and the other is her brother. Tisa and Daria sense something is wrong, but can't quite figure it out.
Zed makes it clear after a short while that he enjoys hunting humans for sport and he intends to hunt the women down. If they live the night they win their freedom.
Yep, you guessed it, this is a remake of the "Most Dangerous Game". What this film has going for it is three very beautiful women in the leads. Cindy Beal and Brinke Stevens are very nice to look at, of course, but my fave is Elizabeth Kaitan. My God does she look good in her bikini!!
It's a fun film and one that I would recommend for a fun time killer.
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Monday, June 13, 2022
This little indie film noir moves along at a great pace and really delivers the goods.
Dean Jagger stars as US Treasury Agent Cliff Holden. When another agent is murdered and it turns out to be a childhood friend of Holden, he is placed onto the case.
Holden discovers a jewelry smuggling ring and decides to tail the leader, Matty Royal (Rene Paul) all the way to Europe. On the return he meets a woman named Kathe Van Bourne (Lottie Elwen) who suddenly falls ill and upon landing a mysterious ambulance takes her away.
While talking to her on the plane, Holden notices she is wearing a priceless necklace. Holden concludes that the illness and ambulance are somehow connected to the jewelry smuggling ring.
This is a tight little film that moves along very well and should not disappoint film noir fans. It' was way ahead of it's time in 1949, and it holds up very well today.
The rest of the cast includes John Carradine, Harry Landers, Walter Vaughn and Edith Atwater. Find this and check it out, you won't regret it. One of the best of it's kind.
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Franchot Tone stars as an assistant District Attorney named Howard Mallory.
He is investigating a series of murders and stumbles onto an extremist group called "The Crusaders". A reporter looking into the group has also been killed.
During his investigation, Mallory meets Angelo Agostini (Marc Lawrence) who may be the head of the organization and a beautiful nightculb singer named Barbara Whitfield (Jean Wallace).
Mallory suspects everyone and widdles down the list to either Agostini or Whitfield. When Barbara is killed, it becomes very clear who the leader of this group is.
The movie is only 72 minutes long, but it did seem to drag quite a bit. The acting is bland except for the gorgeous Jean Wallace, who is a knockout from the first time you see her.
This wasn't much of a film noir, but it did kill some time and again, Wallace made the film watchable. I can take this or leave it.
Friday, June 10, 2022
Albert Lewin directed this bizarre film that has slipped into obscurity. Ava Gardner stars as Pandora, a very beautiful woman that men would kill to have, but she has never fallen in love with anyone. She lives in a small Spanish seaport town called Esperanza.
One day she notices a small yacht with a man on board. When they meet she discovers that his name is Hendrik van der Zee (James Mason). Pandora feels drawn towards him, like no other man she has ever met.
He is actually the "Flying Dutchman", a man cursed by God to wander for eternity unless he can find a woman who would die for him. They become romantically involved and everyone notices how Pandora is almost obsessed.
This is a beautifully shot film that looks very different from most films. I can;t really describe it however. It's is part fantasy, part romance and entertaining all at once.
This is a film that doesn't fit into and category. When it came out in 1951 it was a disaster, but it is a love story that really works. It's about 120 minutes and if you watch it you must be patient.
The Blu-ray looks very good and I have to admit I enjoyed the film, but it isn't for everyone. The rest of the cast includes Nigel Patrick, Sheila Sims, Pamela Mason and Abraham Sofaer.
Go ahead and check it out, if you wish.
Thursday, June 9, 2022
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
This was available on VHS back in the day and I made a bootleg copy to DVD and I have been happy with that one, but I just couldn't resist this when Shout said they were going to release it.
Ed Nelson stars as a scientist who is investigating a strange cone shaped object to suddenly appears in an Illinois town called Riverdale. People in the town start disappearing and then coming back acting strange.
Nelson's character of Dr. Paul Kettering discovers that parasitic creatures from beneath the Earth are responsible for the change in people. These little monsters are intent on taking over the entire planet.
Director Bruno Ve Sota handles ther film very well and in it's brief running time of 60 minutes, the film never fails to entertain. It's based on Robert Heinlein's novel "The Puppet Masters".
Heinlein sued because the film was based on his work without his permission and AIP settled the suit out of court. The rest of the cast includes Joanna Lee, Alan Frost, Jack Hill, Jody Fair, Robert Ball and Leonard Nimoy.
It's a great little film that I love a hell of a lot and it's recommended for any 50's sci-fi fan. The presentation from Shput is beautiful and no, there are no extras, but who cares.